
Curriculum Overview

'Our curriculum has been designed for the children of Luxulyan School to achieve both their academic potential and to leave school equipped with skills they will need throughout later life.  To enable pupils to understand the world around them and the talents within them.  We aim to provide an education for a connected world with opportunities that inspire creative learning and nurture aspirations; preparing our children to live knowledgeably, responsibly, and safely in a Modern Britain and the Wider World.'


Here at Luxulyan School we provide a broad and balanced curriculum using a number of approaches which are outlined on our subject curriculum pages.
We use the Opening Worlds resources for years 3 to 6 for our History, Geography and RE Curriculum.  'Opening Worlds is a knowledge-rich humanities programme for teaching history, geography and religion in Years 3 to 6.'
We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. Our curriculum provides many learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively.
Our curriculum provides a rigorous skills and knowledge framework that outlines the end of year expectations in all subjects. These skills and knowledge are tied to activities and are age-related so that staff can track children’s progress and identify their individual learning needs.
For Science we follow the PZAZZ curriculum which is taught discretely in order to ensure the progression of skills and knowledge throughout the school.
Our other subjects are taught using the following, please navigate to our individual curriculum pages for more detail.
English- Novel Study
Maths- White Rose Maths
Art & Design- Kapow
Design Technology- Kapow
Music- Charanga
Computing- Purple Mash
Modern Foreign Languages- Spanish
Physical Education- Arena

Luxulyan Long Term Plan


Our classes at Luxulyan are mixed age and we therefore plan our curriculum across two yearly cycles.

Academic Year 2022- 23 Year A

Academic Year 2023-24 Year B 

Academic Year 2024-25 Year A

Academic Year 2025-26 Year B