Intent- Why are we teaching this?
At Luxulyan School we believe Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity should give all children the opportunity to improve and achieve physical competence in line with their age and potential. Physical Education, School Sport and Physical activity also enables children, whatever their circumstances or ability, to take part in and enjoy a wide range activities. The wider benefits of PE include the promotion of positive attitudes to health and well -being the development of emotional resilience and a wide range of personal skills including leadership.
Implementation- How is this being taught in school?
Curriculum aims
- To teach children to become skilful and thoughtful performers, developing control and co-ordination and becoming physically literate.
- To develop an understanding of what they do in PE, school sport and physical activity and how it contributes to a healthy and active lifestyle.
- To give children the confidence to get involved in PE and school sport, applying and adapting their skills in a wide range of activities.
- To encourage an appreciation of the creative and aesthetic aspects of PE.
- To contribute to children’s social and emotional development in promoting their confidence and self-esteem.
- To develop qualities such as commitment, fairness, tolerance and a concern for others as well as individual success.
- To develop personal and social competence and the necessary skills to manage success in competitive and co-operative situations, to cope with losing, and to retain a proper sense of perspective in competition.
- All children are entitled to a progressive and comprehensive Physical Education programme which embraces the statutory orders of the National Curriculum 2014 and which takes account of individual interests and needs.
- All children have access to at least 2 hours high quality PE every week.
- To encourage children to take part in 30 active minutes daily providing a varied menu of activities.
Curriculum Planning
- The school uses the Arena PE schemes of work together with Leap Into Life at EYFS and KS1
- PE lessons are planned so that they build upon the prior learning of the children.
- There is planned progression built into the schemes of work at Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2, so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.
- Resources are audited on a regular basis and new resources for new sports are to be purchased through Sports Premium funding.
- At KS2, all components of the National Curriculum re taught through Athletics, Dance, Games, Gymnastics, Outdoor Adventure Activities and Swimming are covered throughout the year, so that children receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
- A curriculum map and curriculum provision map are in place to show the progressive stages the children access as they move through the school.
- PE lessons are planned so that they build upon the prior learning of the children.
- There is planned progression built into the schemes of work at Foundation Stage, KS1 and KS2, so that the children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school.
Teaching and Learning
Lessons are conducted in a secure, supportive and disciplined manner. High quality lessons contain the following elements:
- Purpose – lessons have clear objectives and defined learning outcomes that are shared with the class at the beginning of the lesson.
- Progression – the ability of pupils should be developed with increasing demands made on them both physically and mentally. Building on previous learning is essential, so too is working to achieve successful outcomes through reinforcement, application and refinement of schemes.
- Pace – there should be high levels of activity, tasks need to be easily and clearly explained with high expectations set for individual and group achievement.
- Challenge – high expectations should be set for individual and group achievement. Pupils should be extended both physically and mentally through interesting tasks.
- Differentiation – this should be achieved using tasks and equipment that enable the children to be challenged appropriately and which ensures good progress for all ability groups.
- Decision Making – children should be given responsibility for equipment, group organisation and at times their own learning as they practice and refine skills in order to improve the quality of their performance.
School Sport
- The school also provides a range of extra- curricular activities; these encourage children to further develop their skills: Netball, Football, Cross Country, Multi Skills, Hockey, dance and Tag rugby.
- Cricket ,Tennis and Athletics Club is offered in the Summer Term.
- Parents and TAs support the out of school activity programme by running netball, hockey and football clubs. Every opportunity is made to support their training through INSET. All volunteers are DBS checked and meet the volunteer recruitment policy.
- Local Community coaches are used whenever possible to support and develop the children’s learning
- The school is a member of PSSP (Poltair Schools Sports Partnership) and we take part in level 1 and 2 competitions which give the children the opportunity to take part in the Cornwall School Games
- We take part in the Clay Schools League each year covering years 3 to 6 in football and netball
Physical Activity
Children will be given the opportunity to take part in a variety of opportunities to promote physical activity including 30 active minutes, outdoor learning and the opportunity to experience a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities on and off the school site.
PE and School Sport Premium
Sports Premium funding has allowed the employment of specialist PE teachers and coaches to deliver high quality PE lessons across the school in addition to providing professional development for staff. For example Plymouth Argyle, Cornwall Cricket and Cornish Pirates. All external specialist are DBS checked and meet the school visitors’ policy.
The staff regularly access meetings and courses through ARENA and Mid Cornwall Sports cluster and provides them with opportunities for individual and collective Continual Professional Development.
A PE and School sport premium plan is developed annually and the premium spend is reported on the schools web site at the end of each academic year. This includes detail of the intended actions how they have been implemented and the impact to date. It also reports annually on the number of Year 6 children who can swim 25 metres which is a requirement of the grant.
Equal Opportunities
All children should be provided with equal opportunities to participate in a curriculum in which there are no barriers to access based on race, sex, culture or ability. PE lessons should aim to provide quality experiences that challenge the children.
Risk Assessment and PE Kit
Safety is paramount when planning PE activities. The learning environment and equipment is maintained and checked regularly with the subject leader being responsible for purchasing and maintaining equipment and resources. The mats and benches in the hall are checked annually by an independent technician.
- The children are encouraged to consider their own safety and the safety of others. They are taught how to move and use apparatus safely under supervision.
- All children are required to have a PE kit (details of which are in the schools prospectus).
- At KS 1, children are sometimes not required to change in to their PE kit if the physical activity is deemed safe enough to be carried out in school uniform. The teacher in charge of the physical activity will make a professional decision based on risk.
- At KS2, all children will be required to change into their PE kit for every PE lesson.
- Should a child continually forget their kit, a letter will be sent to their parents.
- No jewellery or watches are to worn for any physical activity, long hair should also be tied back.
Health and Well being
At Luxulyan school we firmly believe that PE is at the heart of a child’s health and well -being and we are currently working towards updating our Healthy School’s status with Cornwall County Council.
Impact- What is the effect?
Assessment, monitoring and reporting
- Teacher’s assessment in PE takes place through observation during lessons and follows the Arena bronze, silver and gold assessment scheme.
- At KS 1 and 2 assessment is carried out at the end of each unit of work.
- Class teachers make an annual assessment of effort and achievement for each child as part of the child’s annual report to parents. This information is passed on to the next teacher at the end of the year.
- Teachers are also encouraged to assess children’s knowledge and understanding of health and well -being and leadership skills using the Arena statements for guidance in their teaching and assessment.
- The subject leader ensures that the PE curriculum is delivered throughout the school through monitoring, learning walks, lesson observations and discussion with staff and pupils.
- Pupil consultation is carried out on a termly basis with the sports/student council to monitor the impact of PE and identify changes which need to be made for continuous improvement.
- A monitoring tool provided through Arena is used to monitor and track participation in after school clubs, physical activity sessions and competition.