
Wrap Around Clubs - Sunrise (AM) and Treetops (PM)


We are very happy to announce that Luxulyan school now offer wraparound care from 8:00-8:40am through our Sunrise club and after school care until 5:15pm through our Treetops offer.

Both clubs cost £4.50 per session with Sunrise club offering a light breakfast option of items such as toast, cereal, fruit and juice and Treetops also charging £4.50 per hourly session.  Choose from 3:15-4:15pm or 4:15pm to 5:15pm or even both sessions.  Treetops offer a light snack choice.

We are taking monthly bookings payable in advance on Parentpay please. Cut off time to book is THURSDAY 5PM for the following week. For bookings after this time, please email Mrs Grubb on luxulyansecretary@lux.celtrust.org.

Please could you let us know at least 48 hours prior to your booking if you have to cancel. Uncancelled bookings may still be charged as we will have to organise our staffing in advance.